1. www.agrochemsofcrete.gr recognizes the importance of protecting the personal data of users / visitors of its website. The privacy policy followed provides you with information about the processing of personal data by the company and describes how the company protects personal information and the process by which the user / visitor can exercise their rights. .
The Company always processes your personal data with respect to the fundamental rights of natural persons in accordance with the existing European and Greek legislation (including General Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Greek law L. 4264/2019 and any other relevant applicable legal text).
In any case of future change of the current regulatory framework, the company will make the corresponding modification of the present terms in order to adapt them to it. www.agrochemsofcrete.gr reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data after informing visitors / users and within the existing or possible legal framework. If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided in this section must not use the services of the company.
The Company takes care to take all the necessary technical and organizational measures and procedures to prevent illegal access and misuse of information and personal data. The measures taken by the Company include preventive security procedures, technical and physical access restriction mechanisms as well as control over the provision of access rights to authorized personnel.
2. Each visitor can simply browse www.agrochemsofcrete.gr without giving any information about his personal data. Personal data is information that can be used to identify or communicate with a person, as well as other information about that person. Personal data of the visitor / user such as Name / Company Name – Address of natural person / Business headquarters – Post Code – contact telephone, landline or mobile – Date of birth – email (E-mail) – VAT – Tax Office – City – Country.
Processing of personal data is any act or series of operations carried out with or without the use of automated means, in personal data or in personal data sets, such as the collection, registration, organization, structure, storage, adaptation or change, retrieval, retrieval of information, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction.
The personal data can be used to provide the Company with information to the visitor / user about the products it produces and has as well as to inform him about other products and services.
In particular, www.agrochemsofcrete.gr can process the personal data of the visitor / user only if he has given his consent to the Company to send him exclusively informative emails (Newsletters) or other useful announcements.
The visitor / user is obliged to provide www.agrochemsofcrete.gr with his true personal information, because in case it is realized that he has given false information, he will proceed immediately and unannounced to delete it from his database.
3. www.agrochemsofcrete.gr is committed and in no case discloses or discloses in any way personal information submitted by visitors / users of the website to any third party (natural or legal person). The personal data of the users / visitors are processed internally in the Company by the absolutely necessary for this purpose personnel which observes a condition of confidentiality. The only case in which the personal data of the visitors / users is transferred is if it is imposed on us by law in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, such as a court decision.
The Company maintains files with personal data, which are sent by the visitor / user exclusively for communication, financial, etc. reasons.
Your personal data is not sent to our knowledge in non-EU / EEA countries. If your data is sent to such countries we will take all necessary measures to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data in accordance with applicable law. In the event of our notification and / or suspicion of sending or processing of non-EU / EEA data by our partner or third party and in the context of ensuring the lawful processing of your personal data, we will make every effort to promptly investigate the matter and act accordingly as soon as possible. At the same time, where it is deemed appropriate and in the context of the proper exercise of your rights, we will take care to inform you about the above actions by whatever means the Company deems appropriate.
The personal data of users / visitors are processed by the Company only for as long as necessary in order to fulfill the respective purpose, unless there is a legal provision for their further preservation or we need them to cover and fulfill our legal requirements.
The visitor / user can contact www.agrochemsofcrete.gr in order to cross-check the existence of the personal file, its correction, its change or its deletion. Also, the visitor / user always reserves the right to contact the Personal Data Protection Authority, which can accept the submission of relevant complaints / grievances either in writing in its protocol (1-3 Kifissias Ave., PC 115 23, Athens, call center 210-6475600 / fax 210-6475628) or electronically at the email address complaints@dpa.gr. For more information visit www.dpa.gr.
For Agrochemicals of Crete you are not a client, you are a coworker.